How To: Create a Fake Online Identity for Website Registrations in Just One Click

Create a Fake Online Identity for Website Registrations in Just One Click

When you really think about it, registering for any website is a little scary. Not only do they now have your name, email address, and a username/password combination you might've used elsewhere, but certain sites and services ask for quite a bit more private information. From phone numbers to addresses to birth dates and more, that company now has all of your information stored.

They might assure you that information is private and secure, but how often do we see leaks and website hacks happening? If you're ever unsure about signing up for a new service, why not avoid any future hassle and use a fake identity?

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With a click of a button, will compile an online profile for you, complete with a name, birthday, username, password, and even fake social security and credit card information.

It's probably not going to fool any determined diggers, but as an initial precaution when signing up for something shady, it sure is convenient.

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Photos by Lawyers, Wired


Whoa this is pretty awesome thanks for the share!

This is genius. The geo coordinates and blood type may be a little overkill but they definitely thought of everything!

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