How To: The Easiest Tricks for Bypassing YouTube's Annoying Age Restrictions on NSFW Videos

The Easiest Tricks for Bypassing YouTube's Annoying Age Restrictions on NSFW Videos

YouTube is the first place I go to watch funny videos online—me and about a billion other people. But one thing that always annoys me is having to sign in time after time to view age-restricted videos.

There should be a function to designate me as an "Explicit Is Legit" user, so I only have to enter in my information once as long as I am on the same computer or device. I will sadly be older than 18 for the rest of my life, so having to confirm this more than once is a little annoying.

Luckily, there is a simple trick that bypasses this small annoyance. Thanks to a couple crafty Redditors, we have two very useful tricks for getting around this.

Method #1: Staying on YouTube

If you want to stay on the official YouTube site, you can just remove the 'watch?' in the URL and replace the '=' sign with a '/'. For example:


This bypasses the restriction and lets you go straight to watching the video without the age confirmation.

Method #2: Going Off YouTube

If you don't mind being redirected to a different site, you can instead add "nsfw" in front of YouTube in the URL.


This takes you to a site dedicated, as the name suggests, to letting you watch YouTube's NSFW side to your heart's content.

Just another one of YouTube's many secrets. Click here for more tips and tricks on the site's little-known features.

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There is a Firefox addon called "Ageless" that changes the url automatically by the click of a button.

Neither of those methods currently work, at least in Chrome.

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