How To: Eradicate Annoying Baby Pictures from Your Facebook News Feed with UNBABY.ME

Eradicate Annoying Baby Pictures from Your Facebook News Feed with UNBABY.ME

We all have that friend. You know, the one who can't resist posting pictures on Facebook of every single thing their newborn does. Babies are cute and all, but new parents don't seem to get that not everyone wants to see a play-by-play of every moment of their child's existence. For the rest of us, is here to help. is a Chrome extension that replaces baby photos in your News Feed with pictures of "awesome stuff." It's super easy to use. Just go to the homepage, click Add to Chrome, and refresh your Facebook. Now, all pictures of babies will be cats.

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If cats aren't your thing, you can plug in any image-based RSS feed and it will pull images from that instead. You can also customize the list of keywords that trigger the extension, so if you have a friend with a particularly annoying kid, you can even add it by name.

I won't be surprised if this is the first of many extensions to remove unwanted photos from our News Feeds. What else would you like to see disappear?

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Image by Mashable

1 Comment

Ha! I admit to posting a lot of pictures of my daughter in Facebook, but that's only because she's so damn adorable.

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