How To: Get an Internet Browser on an Xbox 360 Game Console

Get an Internet Browser on an Xbox 360 Game Console

This handy video tutorial presents instructions for getting an Internet browser on your Xbox 360 game console without any mods. All you'll need to follow along is to configure Xbox Media Center, or XMBC, to use the computer you use to surf the Internet. Get a web browser on your Xbox with this how-to!

UPDATE: XBox Live is getting IE 10!

The latest version of the XBox 360 Media Center comes with a TV-optimized version of Internet Explorer 10. You can apply to join the public beta of the new XBox Live (including IE) here.

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Haha! That's sweet! I'm going to try it when my 360 is repaired!

Is this available for Vista, and does it work with the new dashboard?

Very nice! and yes this does work. Instead of hitting "A" to type in the U R L you need to hit "Y" .... other than that it kicks ass! Great job!

everytime i try and browse to a url, it says something about active x and just keeps loading. help!

i tested it on my computer, and as long as i can press "yes" to allow active x to run, it works. i just can't get it to press with the xbox.

I was looking for an easy way to make my non wifi flat tv wireless so I can access the full internet using my Xbox. I have seen so many suggestions that involve extra equipment and most solutions are not cheap. This is by far the best solution I have seen. This is exactly what I was looking for. Full web browsing on my TV, integrated with my Xbox 360 console no additional apps or devices required. Brilliant! Thank you so much.

On my laptop i can see and use the MCE Browser via media centre. However using the Xbox and following the same pathway as my laptop i can not see the MCE Browser to click add which should show in Extras Library why is this and what can i do to fix the problem? cheers.

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