News: Twitter Announces Polls & New Publishing Tools for Users

Twitter Announces Polls & New Publishing Tools for Users

Twitter, the global social networking site, announced on October 21st that it would be launching a new feature that allows all users to create polls. The company stated that the goal is to allow people to "weigh in on all the topics they care about."

Twitter will be launching Polls for users.

The polls are designed to gauge the opinion of the public on everything from election candidates to sports to TV shows.

Create a poll, check out the results!

"For poll creators, it's a new way to engage with Twitter's massive audience and understand exactly what people think," Todd Sherman, Twitter product manager, wrote on the company blog. "For those participating, it's a very easy way to make your voice heard."

This news comes after Michael Ducker, a product manager at Twitter, revealed new tools at the Flight Developer Conference on October 21st. "Publish" and "Creator" will eventually make it easier for Twitter's users to learn the art of storytelling on the social network.

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